Sorry for the audio quality - I recorded in my car while driving -
This episode is my journey and what ultimately starting DoU Fitness. My desire to start helping people who were struggling just like me.
Why can’t we make new rules that empower us versus following the rules that are so strict and hard to follow? Stop trying to stick to the dieting rules that only lead to giving up and leaving you feeling that you failed, when in fact those “rules” are not realistic in the first place. Your life - your rules.
The most desired area to see progress. How do you get them? What are the best exercises for abs?
What are the dieting rules that you are living by? Are there things you can’t eat? Have to eat? What if you slip, what does that mean? Have all these rules helped you reach your goal or is it unrealistic to live by - making you believe that you lack will power?
Do you suffer from Emotional eating? Stress eating? Mindless habitual eating? Boredom eating? What you think the begging start is the “urge”. But what if you stop for a minute and try to identify what is causing the urge? What do you need in that moment to feel better? Of course, initially you will believe whatever you are craving is what will make you feel better - but if you dig deeper you may uncover what you are really in need of. In doing so you can self assess and be on your way to nipping this bad habit in it’s …..arse….I mean urge.
Whether you think you can or you can’t you are right. Whether you think you will reach your goal or you think you might right your goal you are right. If you think it’s hard, you are right. Thinking negatively will lead to self sabotage. Work on shifting your beliefs to strengthen your chances of success.
There will always be a holiday, an upcoming event, a vacation, a reason not to get started with your exercise or diet program. It will never be the perfect time. But if you want to get the results you keep saying you want, you just have to get started. You don’t have to go all out, and drastic - you make your own rules. Just take one small step forward consistently.
What is your attitude toward your weight loss journey? Are you in a positive headspace or a negative one? If you are constantly being negative do you think you would quit sooner than if you showed up with a different attitude? How do you think your results would look like if you had a positive attitude toward your body and weight loss journey?
Most people neglect stretching. I used to be “most people” - no time, lifting weights and cardio took priority, and quite frankly I didn’t think it was that important. Here is why you should add stretching into your routine.
Contemplating weight loss? Want to but don’t know if you are quite ready. Here are some things you can ask yourself to help guide you to the necessary actions
Looking for the perfect meal plan to help you lose weight? How implementing a flexible dieting approach could help you reach your goals and keep the weight off more effectively than a cookie cutter meal plan.
How making sure your mind is set before you start your journey will help build that solid foundation toward weight loss success.
It’s hard to be patient - we all want the quick weight loss. Why we should manage our expectations so that we don't quit because we aren’t seeing results as quickly as we’d like
How one thought can throw you off your game. You can be feeling like you are losing weight, you are feeling great, then something happens and shifts your thoughts to feeling fat - Then it just goes down hill from there.
If I exercise everyday how much faster will I reach my goal? Can I run everyday so I reach my goal quicker? How this type of thinking will set you up for failure in the long run.
What does all in look like to you? Does it have to be crazy and excessive or could it also mean being "all in" by determining you won't give up this time?
The top 3 most common dieting mistakes I see are: 1) Impatience (giving up) 2) Starving yourself (eating too little) 3)Not knowing how much you are eating (overeating)
Let’s stop those negative thoughts in their track. If you want weight loss success or any success in reaching your goals you have got to stop those thoughts that will sabotage you in the end. Give them the red light.
What if you were to just try to improve 8% per month. Work on adjusting a habit by a mere 8%...what seems like such a tiny amount would add up drastically by the end of the year
Tracking your food intake is hard. Exercising is hard. But feeling fat is hard. Not feeling confident is hard. What hard will you choose?
Are you pushing yourself during your workouts? Are you giving A+ effort to produce A+ results? How to get the most out of your workouts....
How about setting your goals a different way this year? How can shifts your goals on action based versus results based can help you stay motivated and ultimately reaching your goal this year?
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a magic pill to lose weight? Do fat burners work?
So you finally get yourself from not believing you can reach your goal to believing you can do it. How do you get yourself from belief to knowing without a doubt that you will get the weight loss and body you are after?
Can you remember the turning point where you looked in the mirror and said “yikes” I got fat? Do you recall why or how you started gaining weight? Can you identify the culprit to your weight gain? Finding the root cause will help you to not fall back into the old patterns once you’ve achieved your weight loss. Fixing this will further strengthen your success and maintaining results.
What is one belief that could be getting in your way of weight loss? Today I’ll touch on what I believe is the #1 limiting belief standing in the way for most.
I’m asked often…how do I get rid of “this spot right here? I just want my arms smaller. How do I get the fat from my legs off? How to fix those troublesome spots and the truth about spot reduction.
Are you still committed to you goals? Even though the moment you made them in you were motivated and now you may not feel as strongly? How do you recommit?
Is your dieting approach a bunch of rules? If you are slightly off do you just give up because you blew it? Is there only one way you can lose weight? Any minor deviation from the plans means you will not get the weight loss you are after? How your “all or nothing” dieting could be sabotaging you.
Do I still struggle? What mindset struggles do I have? Does it get easier?
Does stepping on the scale every morning determine your mood? Do you get discouraged or encouraged after seeing the number on the scale? Does scale obsession mess with your mind?
What energy are you vibrating at in regards to your fitness journey? Is it serving you or standing in your way? How feelings of forcing and depriving can cause your body to feel a certain way and produce or hinder the actions needed for success. Are you feeling frustrated with your diet efforts? How could feeling calm get you to your results faster?
This is a question I receive often and I know a belief many may have. If I want to lose weight I should focus on cardio. I should run for 5 miles, 5 days a week to lose this 20 pounds. I should go on the treadmill for one hour to lose weight. I should do two cardio sessions per day to lose weight…….
Calling yourself Fat. Claiming you can’t stop eating junk food. Stating you can’t stick to a diet. How labeling is keeping you stuck and how removing your self imposed labels can help you get on the right path to success.
Where did we “learn” all the rules of dieting? What is good vs bad? Yes vs no? Why do you have to restrict? Only eat certain foods and eliminate entire food groups? Let’s try to “unlearn” and try it a different way…..
Are you always thinking negatively regarding your weight loss journey and towards yourself? Calling yourself a quitter? Telling yourself you can’t do it? Do you call yourself fat?
How negative self talk and body shaming can get get in your way on your weight loss journey.
How do you get from point a to point b? Have you been stuck at your current weight….in you can’t even remember how long? Stuck with thinking you can’t eat carbs and instead of restricting you are overindulging? Want to learn a little hack to help you shift up a level? Listen here for more.
Have you ever wished that someone could just tell you what you need to do to reach your goal? I did. I wished and wished and wished. I was willing to try anything, pay anything (btw I did and got lot of cookie cutter, unsustainable programs, and coaches that made me feel like I was a part of cattle – just move me along) Listen here for the one main tip I wish I had known earlier
Listen here for the exercise style that I feel is the best for weight loss and body transformation. Want to lose weight? What type of cardio is best to burn fat?
What "channel" are you consistently tuned into? Change the station to help tune you into the frequency of reaching your goals.
What is the best diet you should do that will get you the best results?
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Want coaching on what mindset limiting blocks around weightloss that is holding you back? for the success formula
I 100% believe you must change your beliefs around weight loss in order to not only reach your goals but to sustain your results.
Want to learn more about changing your beliefs around weight loss and make your weight loss journey flow easier?
Join Mindset University – Mindset shifts for weight loss. Registration closed October 24. If you miss, don’t worry you can put your name on the waitlist for next term. (program restarts every 2-3 months)
Let me remind you that you only fail when you quit. Instead of throwing in the towel - take the experiences that didn't yield the results you wanted and use them as feedback. Take that information and switch up your actions. In the end - if you keep trying - you are destined to succeed.
Let’s try to make tiny adjustments to our current habits - to get from point a to point b. Eventually you will transform old limiting habits into the new habits that lead you towards getting the results you desire.